Impact shares
Impact shares is a new structure of value-sharing to empower collaborative philanthropy. It creates a unique opportunity for philanthropists to understand their direct impact beyond numbers in annual reports and gratitudes. Following the universal law of giving and receiving, we are committed to create a distinctive way to communicate value back to givers.

For decades, philanthropy was driven by an idea of giving without getting anything in return, creating a broken system where the giver got used to being dis-empowered and disengaged from his impact. Beneficiaries being used as media-advertisement of both successes and problems, creating an ill-structured hero-leadership nonprofit movement. In recent years, following the trend of dwindling philanthropy budgets, we see direct repercussions of that. New generation of funders no longer see the value in their social investments. Old structure of stunt fundraising and instilling fear marketing with no visible impact or responsibility to donors no longer works.

Impact shares are our collective effort to heal the natural cycle of giving and receiving. With support of technology, innovative impact measurement framework, transparency watch organisation we’ve developed a new foundational principle for philanthropy. It empowers philanthropists to understand and measure the direct impact on the issue they've invested in. Despite the qualitative nature of impact, this innovation committed to convey it in quantitative terms, creating an invaluable feedback loop and reciprocal connection between givers and beneficiaries.

NGOs, empowered with this tool can communicate their value to their supporters and improve funding flow.

Corporations, receiving tangible updates, are able to leverage support of their stakeholders, communicating measurable and validated impact, improving their bottom line.

Philanthropic funds are more dedicated to fundraising, conveying their value to the society, reducing doubts and controversy.

Financial institutions are able to demonstrate that their efforts do create better outcomes, reporting clear measurements and results of their support, reinforcing support of shareholders and winning new clients.

Impact shares increase collaboration of funders, enabling them to participate in high-leverage interventions, increasing the reach and scale, solving the complex problems, rather than fighting the wind with inefficient piecemeal donations. Each funder is now ensured to receive his part of impact, removing organisational boundaries and limiting conditions.

Impact shares are here to revolutionise philanthropy. By recreating a balance of giving and receiving, we achieve harmony and empower it to grow and prosper.

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