Investment Agreement
This foundational agreement outlines responsibilities and rights of all parties, connected and engaged into implementation and funding the projects, listed on our platform. This agreement is signed in the moment any mentioned party is accessing and start using our services.


1.1 Donor - A natural person or a company, registered on a Platform and agreed to these Conditions.

1.2. Platform - World Union website and all services, offered by World Union Foundation and other affiliated Service providers.

1.3 Project - Social project listed in the Project section of the Platform

1.4 Project Facilitator - A natural person or a company, registered on a Platform, that is representing the Project and takes responsibility for implementing the project

1.5 Pledge - A payment made by the Donor via payment services, to be used by the Project Facilitator according to the Project’s description.

1.6 Service fee - A fee that is collected by the platform from donation, to enable its services. Fee is stated in the project and corresponding product tier of the donor is subscribed on.

1.7 Project parties - also collectively mentioned as “Project” in this document are private persons, who are appointed as accountable and responsible for the project implementation in the Project Agreement.

1.8 Party: Project Facilitator - Private person or a legal entity, Donor - Private person or a legal entity, Project Parties as described in 1.8, Platform.

2.General conditions

2.1. The platform as part of its service provides a venue, tools and services, payment means for Project facilitators and Donors to conduct social and humanitarian projects. Accordingly, the contract formed at the completion of a donation between the Platform, Donor, Project facilitator and Project Parties. The platform is a legal party to this contract and directly participates in a full cycle of the project including but not limited to monitoring, governance, collection and processing of data and supports all Parties throughout the project lifecycle.

2.2 These Policies are applicable from the moment the Party signs the document electronically, when accessing the platform capabilities and services by explicitly checking the box “I agree”.

2.3 The Project Facilitator is responsible for the conducting and delivering the Project listed on the Platform and answering claims or any other issue arising out of or in connection with the project.

2.4. The Project Facilitator issues an invoice and all necessary warranty documents for the donation in the name of the Buyer.

2.5. The Project Facilitator pays the Platform a commission from each completed donation, that is being deducted from the donation. The current commission rate is applied at the time the donation is made and can be a subject of change.

2.6 This agreement is signed by the Donor in the moment of the donation, Project Facilitator in the moment of submitting the project to the platform, Responsible and Accountable persons for the project in the moment they join the project and the Platform.

3. Donation

3.1 Donation is a voluntary payment intended for the social project use and as described in the Project’s description.

3.2 The Platforms is not liable for funds misuse, however, implements practices that keep the Project Facilitator accountable to the overall goals of the project and transparent financial reporting that is made available for Investors scrunity.

3.3 Donation is not refundable, unless decided otherwise by the Platform.

3.4 Donation is not tax-deductible unless stated otherwise in the description of the Project.

3.5 Donations can be made by purchasing a Reward package, that is offered by the Project. Delivering this package is a full responsibility of the Project Facilitator.

3.6 Donor agrees that due to the nature of social projects, they can fail to deliver visible or measurable results. In such a case donors cannot pursue legal actions against the Platform or Project Facilitator. Platform will make all appropriate steps and legal actions to recover any available assets or funds to reimburse the donors.

3.7 In case of property acquired and held by the Platform during the project's implementation, they will be subject of sale to reimburse investors funds. With a goal to realise assets at maximum value, the platform in this case does not guarantee terms of refund. Total recovered funds will be distributed among all investors equal to their investment share.

3.8 Donor agrees that all final donation decisions are made solely by him and that the Platform did not influence him in any way or provide an investment advice.

4.Project Facilitator’s responsibilities

4.1 Project Facilitator receives payouts to his selected payment method according to the scheduled agreed upfront and attached to the public Roadmap and milestones

4.2 Project Facilitator requires to send reports of used funds to the Platform, as well as other documents and services, required by the platform.

4.3 Project Facilitator requires to make a final delivery report to the Platform, describing all actions and deliverables, goals met and the impact made. Final delivery report is visible to all Donors and may be available to the general public.

4.4 The Platform reserves the right to withhold payments, if delivery targets, promised by the Project Facilitator in the project's roadmap and goals are not met.

4.5 Project Facilitator bears full responsibility to the Platform in delivering the project in full according to the terms, described in the Projects description. The Platform will make all required legal actions to protect Donors Investments in case Project fails to meet the goals of the Project.

4.6 Project facilitator is obliged to provide all necessary information to Observers, including allowing access to the location, online and offline meetings and internal documents.

4.7 Project Facilitator responsible that the project complies with all rules and regulations of the country of implementation and international sanctions.


5.1 The Platform can choose one or more independent observers from the general public to conduct monitoring of the project.

5.2 Observers’ duty is to monitor execution of the project and deliver an independent report, describing performance of the Project Facilitator against the goals of the Project.

5.3 Independent observers are not allowed to receive any remuneration or financial rewards from the project or Project Facilitator.

5.3.1 Certain travel expenses can be covered by the Project Facilitator and are subject to prior agreement between Project Facilitator and the Platform.

5.3.2 Project can allocate reward for the Observer, that is deducted from the Project total budget and paid by the platform.

6. Projects property

6.1 All digital or physical property, acquired by the Project Facilitator using the Platform funds to conduct and deliver the project belongs to the Platform and its fully owned holding companies.

6.2 Project Facilitator responsibility is to transfer all rights to the property within 7 days after its acquisition. Transfer fees are covered by the Project Facilitators.

6.3 Property include, but not limited to real estate, domain names, copyrights and trademarks, digital tools and items, logos, smart contracts, NFTs, leases and all tangible assets.

6.4 Property is not considered liabilities, contracts, mortgages and any other forms of legal obligations occurring as the result of conducting the Project.

6.5 Property may be transferred back to the Project Facilitator once the project is delivered in full, upon the independent Observers’ assessment, as agreed by the projects agreement.

6.6 All property exclusions should be described in advance in the additional Contract between Project Facilitator and the Platform and not part of this agreement.

7. Projects shares

7.1 If the project stated a share-based structure, donors are entitled to shares at the completion of the project.

7.2 Platform will create a separate legal entity that will be granted all required assets and copyrights on the project, created during the implementation phase and distribute shares according to the agreed cap table and share classes in the projects agreement.

7.3 Shares can be consolidated by our holding fund.

7.4 Donors who received shares are entitled to the pre-emption rights on the consecutive financial rounds of this project.

8. Platform responsibility

8.1 Platform monitors project execution and participates in governance meetings as an acting member.

8.2. Platform collects and makes available to the donor full information about the state of the project, financial statements, invoices and any legal documents generated by the project and become available to the Platform.

8.3 In case the project has failed to deliver outcomes it promised, we reimburse the service fee or provide you with credit on following investments.

8.4 In case of 8.3 Platform conducts an internal investigation and delivers a report of potential reasons and responsible persons or organisations for the failure of the project. Based on this document, Platform can choose to pursue legal actions against the Project Facilitator or any other organisations on behalf of the client.

9. Projects responsibilities

9.1 Project is obliged to keep and deliver full documentation on its operations, including but not limited to invoices, financial and bank statements, governance meetings logs and recordings generated during the implementation stage.

9.2 In case of project failure to deliver on its deliverables or rewards, project Responsible persons are fully liable for any losses the project created as a result, both financial and reputational, to donors and to the Platform. Platform can pursue legal actions to recover funds, assets and capabilities the project has created through its implementation. In case of theft or misuse of funds, Platform will file a criminal case on behalf of investors.

9.3 Project is required to send updates of its progress using Platforms allocated services. Regularity and other requirements are set in a Project Contract.

9.3 Project Parties agree that all tangible assets, listed in clauses 6.1- 6.6 and intangible assets, including but not limited , copyrights, materials, creatives, designs, ideas, generated documents belong to the Platform.

10. Disputes and disagreements

10.1 All disputes are settled by negotiations. If it is not possible to achieve a result in the negotiations, the final decision is made by an independent Mediator selected by the Platform.

10.2 Mediators' decisions are final and cannot be litigated or appealed in court.

11.Final legal notes

11.1. Which country's laws apply to any disputes?

If you are a consumer, please note that these terms of use, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by English law.

If you are a business, these terms of use, their subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law. We both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

11.2 Waiver

If you breach these policies and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions.

11.3. What’s the Procedure for making claims of right infringements

If you believe that your rights are being infringed, you may fill out and submit the Notice Form. We respond expeditiously to rights owners and their agents who complete and submit the Notice Form to communicate concerns about any alleged infringement.

Upon receipt of a Notice Form we may take certain actions, including removing information or a project, all of which are taken without any admission as to liability and without prejudice to any rights, remedies or defences, all of which are expressly reserved. Furthermore, in submitting a Notice Form, you grant to us the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and display its content throughout the world in any media. This includes forwarding the Notice Form to the parties involved in the provision of the allegedly infringing content. You agree to indemnify us for all claims brought by a third party against us arising out of or in connection with the submission of a Notice Form.

Important Warning: giving false, misleading or inaccurate information in the Notice Form to us may result in civil and/or criminal liability. You should contact a legal advisor should you have any questions.

11.4. Intellectual Prореrtу

Our sites аnd all materials, аnd аll соруrіghtѕ, trаdеmаrkѕ, trade dress, and other іntеllесtuаl рrореrtу rіghtѕ there (collectively, thе “IP”) are owned оr соntrоllеd bу, or licensed to our company , and are рrоtесtеd by EU and іntеrnаtіоnаl trademark, соруright, and оthеr іntеllесtuаl рrореrtу laws.

Nо lісеnѕе, rіght, tіtlе, оr interest іn thе sites оr аnу mаtеrіаlѕ іѕ transferred to уоu as a result оf уоur uѕе оf thе sіtеѕ and applications or уоur accessing, viewing, dоwnlоаdіng, or printing of the mаtеrіаlѕ.

11.5. Indеmnіfісаtіоn
You аgrее tо dеfеnd, indemnify, and hold our entіtіеѕ hаrmlеѕѕ from and аgаіnѕt any liabilities, claims, dаmаgеѕ, соѕtѕ, and еxреnѕеѕ, including lawyers’ fees and соѕtѕ, arising from or related tо your misuse of thе our site оr аnу brеасh by you оf thеѕе policies.

11.6. Tеrmіnаtіоn
These Policies аrе еffесtіvе until terminated by all parties.

11.7. Previous verbal agreements
This agreement includes final agreements and previous oral agreements are not valid.

11.8 Cоntасt Uѕ
If you have аnу ԛuеѕtіоnѕ аbоut this document or would like to get more information, please соntасt our Customer Care team [email protected]