Our platform is inviting teams and informal organisations to create and implement projects on our platform. We provide comprehensive support throughout the project journey, from its inception to completion and beyond.

To set your project to success and scaled impact, we are sharing our unique structures and systems, like self-organisation, fractal organisation, evolutionary governance and DNA to increase your reach in the cause you care. Your project receives complementary personal assistance from our Partners and experts network, who will support shaping your initiative structures to succeed in a funding round, conducted among our investors.

You will gain essential experience, funding, people resources and the core team that is most capable of taking your idea to a self-sustainable project that will bring value long-term. Our network structure will enable you to receive services and tap into collective knowledge of all projects we conducted, as well as the opportunity to join the network and add value to it.

With our commitment to improve the state of the world and solve challenges on scale, we’ve created a set of requirements and processes that are applied to all our initiatives.

Our limitations:

  • We do not fund non-profit organisations.
  • We focus only on systemic social projects.
  • We are not engaged in relief, crisis issues and sensitive topics, listed below.
  • We work only with founders and small teams.
  • We can only accept early-stage initiatives, starting from idea to MVP.
  • Project will require to allocate equity in the successfully launched social project, depending on funding and scope.
  • All property we acquire through the funding, real-estates, copyrights, trademarks, patents, domains, leases, equipment and all tangible assets are held by our holding company. Once a project is launched, some or all assets can be transferred back to a newly formed organisation that will conduct the operations further.

Our eligibility scope:

  • Self-reliant, independent, socially significant project.
  • Idea or early stage, preferably with MVP.
  • If the project is initiated by a non-profit, it must become a fully independent entity and have a founder, not serving as trustee or conflict of interest.
  • Project should demonstrate scalability and clear problem solving.
  • Project must become a for-value company.
  • Project will implement a Constitution that will delegate decision making to the process. Neither founders, members of the team or we make sole decisions without a distinctive governance process and delegated domains of accountability.
  • Project agrees to embed our Projects DNA into its foundational agreement and follow it through the life cycle of the project.
  • We cannot accept projects with pre-registered trademarks, copyrights, patents and similar non-tangible power instruments. All such assets will be required to be transferred to our holding organisation.

Topics we prioritise:

Socially-significant, tech-based services and apps
Communication platforms
Social Innovations
Open data and analytics initiatives and platforms
Environmental protection
Animals welfare
Climate change and resilience
Open-source software and services
Mass collaboration projects
Art and culture
Public initiatives
Social enterprise
Financial solutions, crypto currencies and tokens
Agriculture and ecosystem services
Manufacturing and crafts

List of topics we have no expertise:

Crisis, rescue and relief
Orphanage and child support, excluding educational programmes.
Medical, disabilities and sponsorship support
Food supply.
Sexual and other abuse and violence.
Illegal trafficking and child labour.
Holistic and alternative medicine, except herbal supplements
Personal grants
Scientific research, with exception to fundamental research.
Political and rights movements
All issues that must be addressed by the government.
Know-hows and inventions.


We have no preference to geography, however we prioritise following geography due to our team time zones and geopolitical concerns.

Geographies we prioritise:

North America
South America
South and South-East Asia
European Union and UK
Central-Asia, excluding Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus
Far east: Japan, Korea, Hong-Kong, China

Projects and founders targeted the world at large can be located anywhere, except those under international sanctions.


  • Funding from USD $100.000 to $1M.
  • Access to your Initiatives platform and pool of philanthropists and impact investors.
  • Receive ongoing support, toolbox and essential expertise.
  • Commercially successful, share based, social initiative on scale.
  • Connected to a network of organisations, providing you with expertise, complementary or low-cost services to empower your success.
  • Receive more funding through ongoing funding easy-rounds, without losing your ownership or control.
  • Achieve impact on scale and affect the cause you care about.

Next steps:

1.Read our Projects Playbook
2.Create a document, addressing questions and presenting your assumptions
3.Apply for a review here.