Funds system
Funds are managed automated social and impact investment tools for philanthropists and impact investors. Main features of funds are self-management, self-accountability and financial sustainability. Every fund has its own management and monitoring structures, following our Fractal organisation principles.

Funds are social investment tools that helps philanthropists to consolidate their portfolio, reduce management costs and gain in-depth analytics of the impact and progress of their investments. Underlying platform collects and processes data from all investments, producing detailed impact and financial reports, updates on each projects progress and milestones, keeps investors informed of the well-being of the fund.

Most of the funds are balanced funds, which means that funds are invested in both social and impact projects, keeping fund net-balance healthy and ensures long-term sustainability and growing impact.

Individual funds targeting certain topics and groups of problems - causes, while continuous collaboration between funds allow to share experience and support individual projects, overlapping funds when required.

Organisational structure

Each fund is equipped with innovative organisational principles, developed and maintained by iPhilanthropist. Well-established structures like principle-led leadership, self-managed, fractal organisational, fractal philanthropy, abstraction levels,N-Org, resource-sharing and others to help funds to use available funds at maximum efficiency, keeping self-accountability, resilience and adaptability. Funds are enjoying our world-wide network of partners and affiliates, experts and organisations in different fields, significantly increasing the impact, financial stability and operational scale. We use the latest developments in organisational design to continuously improve processes and structures of collaboration that empower funds to achieve more per-dollar spent and stand-out from similar financial products.


Funds can be funded upfront by initial investments, or continuous micro-investments, based on the project's development stage. It has a share-based economy and follows a standard venture investment structure, with investment stages and share-based ownership and a board. Funds can also invest in each other, supporting shared causes as well as reuse human resources and capabilities.


Funds are self-managed organisations with no top-down control structure. Each fund is led by one of iPhilanthropist partners, who is accountable for the fund's expected outcomes. While working independently, they save time and resources by using foundational capabilities and knowledge of iPhilanthropist main organisation, financial and tech platforms, connect to a network of activists and other organisations. Funds are managed by active members and investors using holacracy principles.


All funds are continuously reporting data to the iPhilanthropist data platform, where they are processed and delivered to investors in a condensed and top-level form. Iphilanthropist has its independent partner, monitoring meetings, reporting requests and requirements of the fund to iPhilanthropist main organisation, while the fund has its representative in the iPhilanthropist governance meetings linking organisations in a continuous cycle of feedback and information sharing. By focusing on meticulous reporting and data-driven decisions, we ensure funds’ stability and sustainability.

Impact Balanced fund

Impact Balanced Fund is an innovative philanthropic investment paradigm that combines best from philanthropic and impact investments.

It instructs funds to attract a mix of impact and social investment in an interconnected, self-reinforced system to achieve perfect balance in returns of both social and financial dimensions. It keeps the fund net positive, achieving social goals on a much bigger scale, while empowering impact projects with social support and mass-collaboration structures.


Investors can enter the fund with both funds and capabilities. Each investor decides its engagement level. We encourage close collaboration with investors beyond financial support as an opportunity to increase the efficiency and reach of the fund, while saving resources on capability-building.

More details you can find in our Fund 101 document