1.1 Project - Social project listed in the Project section of the Platform
1.2. Platform - Worldunion.org website and all services, offered by World Union Foundation and affiliated Service providers.
1.3 Parties
1.3.1 Project Facilitator - A natural person or a company, registered on a Platform, that is representing the Project and takes legal responsibility for implementing the project.
1.3.2 Collaborators - A natural person or a company, registered on a Platform, that participates in the project implementation.
1.3.3 Platform - Worldunion.org and affiliated Partners, registered on a Platform, that is representing the Platform and conducting operations on monitoring and management of the Project.
1.3.4 Accountable - private persons, who are appointed as responsible or accountable for the project implementation, that could be selected from Platform or Project Facilitators representatives and are responsible for delivering project results as part of Project Facilitator responsibilities.
1.3.5 Observer - a private person, that is not affiliated with the Platform or Project Facilitator.
1.4 Donation - A payment made by the Donor via payment services, to be used by the Project according to the Project’s description.
1.5 Completed Project
Completed is considered a project that meets the following requirements.
1.5.1 It has delivered results stated in conditions of the project.
1.5.2 Delivered a final delivery report
1.5.3 Delivered all up-to-date financial documentations, reports and invoices, stated in the Projects Agreement.
1.5.4 Observer delivered an independent report of this project.
1.5.5 Board Member of World Union reviewed and approved final delivery.
1.5.6 Completed all required actions including but not limited to Investors Day, Final presentation, Learning Labs and others as stated in the Projects Agreement.
1.5.7 Created a new legal entity in the form of For-Value Company, that inherits project assets, liabilities, constitution and shares are distributed to the donors as instructed by the Project Agreement and its additions.
2.1.By participating in the Project, Parties agree to conduct it on the Platform, using services and capabilities on terms of this contract.
2.2 Participating in a Project is a fiduciary duty to the Platform.
2.3 Participating in the Project is a legal obligation to deliver all documents about all operations that are conducted in connection to the project, including, but not limited to bank financial statements, governance meetings recordings, creative work, formal and informal agreements, data generated using own or Platforms tools and services.
2.4 Delivery of all documentation must be made on the Platform and provided by the Platform cloud services.
2.5 All Parties agree to conduct operations with full transparency and accountability, pursuing goals of the Project and the beneficiary-receivers they choose to serve.
2.6 This document describes responsibilities in terms of operations and delivery of a Project, but if any other additional documents are required Parties to conduct operations are signed, priority of interpretation of requirements of Parties are given to this document.
3.1 Project facilitator takes full responsibility for finances, management and conducting operations for the project and delivering results, stated in the Project's description and goals.
3.2 Project facilitator delivers updates of the Project progress to the Platform at least 1 per month.
3.3 Project facilitator is responsible for distributing funds, made available to him through funding rounds and required to keep books of all expenses.
3.4 Expenses should be reported to the platform in a real-time manner, using Expenses Service, attaching proof and invoices, connected with each transaction.
3.5 Project facilitator agrees that non-delivery of the proof of used funds can result in funds recovery processes or being withheld/deducted from any future payments and other actions, including criminal investigation.
3.6 Project facilitator is responsible for transferring all assets acquired using Project funds to the Platform’s holding company within 7 days after their acquisition and keeping books of such assets, uploading them to the Platform. Transfer costs and fees are paid by the Project.
3.7. The Project Facilitator pays the Platform a commission from each completed payment, that is being paid by deducting it from the donation. The current commission rate is applied at the time the donation is made and can be a subject of change.
3.7 Project Facilitator responsible that the project complies with all rules and regulations of the country of implementation and international sanctions.
3.8 Project facilitator is obliged to provide all necessary information to Observers, including allowing access to the location, online and offline meetings and access to all internal documents.
3.9 Project Facilitator requires to make a final delivery report to the Platform, describing all actions and deliverables, goals met and the impact made. Final delivery report is visible to all Donors and may be available to the general public.
4.1. Each Project should have at least one Responsible - a private person, representative of the Project Facilitator or Platform. Role and responsibility of this person is to represent the Project and hold full responsibility for the project outcomes, finances and reporting.
4.2 Projects can have one or more accountable persons. conducts monitoring and oversee of the project activities and responsible for ensuring project compliance and the Responsible person fulfilling its obligations, informing the platform in case of breach of this contract or misuse of funds. Platform can request Accountable's reports and information on the conduct of the Responsible person and the Project state. This role is not engaged in day-to-day operations of the project and cannot be held accountable for project goals.
5.1 Contributors are participants of the project operations.
5.2 All paid and non-paid contributors agree that all creative work, created in the scope of the project belongs to the project, included but not limited to ideas, designs, documents, software, code, products and services acquired using Project funds.
5.3 Contributors conducting their operations must follow the Projects Constitution and instruct their actions by Projects DNA.
5.4 By signing this agreement, Contributor agrees not to disclose any information, designs, ideas and documents that were made available to him during and unlimited time after project implementation to third parties for a remuneration of 0.01 GBP per year, paid by the Platform on issuing the invoice.
6.1 All parties agree that all generated tangible and intangible results of the Project until its Completion is a subject to copyright that belongs to the Platform. This includes, but is not limited to ideas, designs, documents, software, code, products and services, domain names, trademarks and other assets acquired using Project funds. Exceptions are made based on Platforms decisions and are agreed in a separate agreement.
6.2 Once the Project is Completed, some assets could be assigned back to the Project’s new entity or continue to be held unlimited time by the Platform holding companies and made available to the Project use. Assets agreement is signed upon Completion of the Project through negotiations, based on further requirements, interests and Project’s long-term plan.
6.3 All parties are responsible for the proper care of the assets, acquired using Project Funds and used only within the scope of the Project and in Projects interests and goals.
7.1 Project is to comply and pay all taxes and liability associated with its operations, excluding Platforms employees and associates, participating in the project.
7.2 All liabilities and agreements signed by the Project Parties in a scope of the Project are a sole responsibility of the Project Facilitators and Responsible and are inherited by the new entity after the Projects Completion.
8.1 Payments are made in instalments according to the roadmap, submitted at the start of the implementation stage.
8.2 Instalments are made based on performance and can be reduced or put on hold until the Milestones are achieved or justifications agreed by all Parties.
8.3 All funds received by the Project on behalf of Donors are considered to be Platforms assets and should be used solely in the direction of Projects interests and purposes.
8.4 All funds used should be documented in Expenses Services made available on the platform, providing tax invoices, Paye slips and transfer proof, immediately after the expenses occur.
8.5 All financial books, bank statements of all Parties, responsible for managing and distributing the finances should be made available, without exclusion or edits. Platform could request official statements signed by the bank.
8.6 With a goal to protect the interest of Donors, Platform will make all efforts, including legal actions to recover misused or under-reported funds from any Party of this contract.
10.1 All disputes are settled by negotiations. If it is not possible to achieve a result in the negotiations, the final decision is made by an independent Mediator selected by the Platform.
10.2 Mediators' decisions are final and cannot be litigated or appealed in court.
10.1 Conducting its operations within the UK law and international copyright laws and sanctions.
10.2 Project is responsible for any violations of the Copyrights.
10.4 In case of project failure to deliver on its deliverables or rewards, project Responsible person and Project Facilitator are fully liable for any losses the project resulted, both financial and reputational, to donors and to the Platform. Platform can pursue legal actions to recover funds, assets and capabilities the Project has created through its implementation. In case of theft or misuse of funds, Platform will file a criminal case on behalf of Investors.
10.5 Project Parties agree not to use projects in political campaigns, political rallies, political parties, present and future candidates or express political preferences.
10.6 Project treats all collaborators equally, despite gender, race, nationality or role in the Project.
10.7 Platform has the right to exclude any Party from the Project by sole discretion and without explanation.
10.8 Platform can put on hold or cease operations of the Project and withhold any future funding at any time during the execution stage, as decided by the Platform or Investors.
11.1. Which country's laws apply to any disputes?
These terms, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by English law.
11.2 Waiver
If you breach these policies and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions.
11.4. Intellectual Prореrtу
Our sites аnd all materials, аnd аll соруrіghtѕ, trаdеmаrkѕ, and other іntеllесtuаl рrореrtу rіghtѕ there (collectively, thе “IP”) are owned оr соntrоllеd bу, or licensed to our Platform , and are рrоtесtеd by EU and іntеrnаtіоnаl trademark, соруright, and оthеr іntеllесtuаl рrореrtу laws.
Nо lісеnѕе, rіght, tіtlе, оr interest іn thе sites оr аnу mаtеrіаlѕ іѕ transferred to уоu as a result оf уоur uѕе оf thе sіtеѕ and applications or уоur accessing, viewing, dоwnlоаdіng, or printing of the mаtеrіаlѕ.
11.5. Indеmnіfісаtіоn
You аgrее tо dеfеnd, indemnify, and hold our entіtіеѕ hаrmlеѕѕ from and аgаіnѕt any liabilities, claims, dаmаgеѕ, соѕtѕ, and еxреnѕеѕ, including lawyers’ fees and соѕtѕ, arising from or related tо your misuse of thе our site оr аnу brеасh by you оf thеѕе policies.
11.6. Tеrmіnаtіоn
These Policies аrе еffесtіvе until terminated by all parties.
11.7. Previous verbal agreements
This agreement includes final agreements and previous oral agreements are not valid.
11.8 Cоntасt Uѕ
If you have аnу ԛuеѕtіоnѕ аbоut this document or would like to get more information, please соntасt our Customer Care team [email protected]