Self-organised, self-accountable
Principle-led, following our Projects DNA, a set of principles that guides the project through its lifecycle.
Self-sufficient and financially sustainable.
Creating a measurable impact
Collecting data
Constitutional decision-making
Have a distinctive service
Most NGOs and philanthropic efforts are pursuing ongoing relief without proper understanding of complexity of the problem and systemic roadmap. Donations are used on ongoing support, which always creates unintended consequences, like addiction to continuous funding, while underlying structures are intact and continuing to aggravate the problem. Funds are used with no significant impact and most importantly never able to solve the problem.
By taking the systemic-first approach, blended with our For-value, fractal organisation, network approach, services architecture among others, each project is a distinctive systemic step towards dissolving the underlying structures. Each consecutive project creates a reinforcing feedback-loop, adding value to the network by providing services and capabilities to other projects, maximising impact and increasing efficiency of funds used. Each project is a step forward to solving the systemic problems and matching the complexity of the problem by the complexity of the organisation that is emerging through continuous close collaboration, sharing resources and learning. In other words - we create a network that with each node increases power of the whole and its ability to challenge most complex issues at any scale.
All projects begin with thorough systemic analysis of the problem, delivered to funders in the format of a System Report, one of our fundamental services.
Each project is going through a guided transformation of its governance and management structures, implementing constitution, evolutionary governance, fractal organisational design and service design to create a self-organised unit with a clear governance and operational processes.
Each project is structured as a service that can provide a distinctive service that can be shared and used by other projects in a structured and open way.
All projects are designed to become a communication platform. All processes are systematised and packed into technical solutions that will enable projects to collect and process data, create network effects and scale without being continuously funded. We provide an underlying layer of technical assistance and development, enabling the project to be focused on its purpose, while empowered by latest technological tools.
We implement a Constitution that instructs the process of decision-making and facilitates governance processes for the project to become an evolutionary progressive, adoptable, resilient and fair place to work.
Each project receives a designed financial model that enables the project to become self-sustainable and facilitate growth and reach. All our projects are net-positive and matching traditional VC/Impact funding models. With our For-value structure per-design, organisations do not generate shareholder profits, reinvesting all profits into itself and other projects, while maintaining exit opportunities and return of investment.
Each project creates a roadmap to meet its goals. Funding is received in parts on achieving milestones and demonstrating impact.
On this step we fund or facilitate creation of an initial MVP, limited in time and funding. This step demonstrates the ability of the project to execute and collaborate effectively, creating products with fast iterations, staying focused and committed.
At this stage the project is building its sustainability capabilities. It designs a system of generating meaningful revenue or implementing a long-term financial plan, ingraining mass collaboration and network effect to facilitate organic growth. Project is always sustainable by design.
We continue funding the project according to its roadmap until the goal of the project is met. On this stage we can fund additional capabilities, like real-estates, equipment and tools, increasing growth and enabling network effect.
All real-estate and tangible assets acquired with funding are held by our holding-companies, ensuring that the project stays accountable and purposeful. Some of the assets could be transferred to project on completion and a subject of agreements, achieved prior to asset acquisition.
Through a practice of Learning Labs, the project delivers comprehensive AAR reports on each milestone prior to releasing funds, outlining challenges and successes, creating a solid foundation for accountability and transparency.
Once initially planned metrics are achieved, the project is considered completed. It doesn’t stop our continuous support for the project, but marks a stage of maturity, where the project continues its mission on its own without reliance or instructions from our side.
Completed projects can be funded again based on traditional fund-raising models. We facilitate funding rounds and ensure coherence and interests of the founding team.
Effective governance is at the crux of our management system. We use the N-ORG system to manage the network of all projects in an effective and transparent way.
Our governance is based on governance meetings that include our partners and representatives from all projects of the network we facilitate. In the same manner, our partner acts as an observer on governance meetings of each project, maintaining the connection and sharing the information.
Meetings of all representatives and partners are held once a year, providing a high-level view of the network and improving the governance system of the network. Listening to all and making effective decisions based on our General Constitution.
Projects are self-organised in circles, based on capabilities and services they provide. They hold quarterly circle-governance meetings, to improve governance of the circles and improve design of this part of the network.
Each project holds monthly governance meetings in the same fashion. These governance meetings are open for any funder, other project in the circle or organisations of World Union.
Each project uses our state-of-art tech platform to deliver reports, media and updates on the progress of the project. All decisions from governance meetings are logged and made available for funders. We commit to full openness and transparency, conducting ongoing monitoring of all projects , delivering regular unbiased and data-based impact reports.
Each project has an independent observer that is not affiliated or funded by World Union. Reports from independent observers are made available on our platform and open for scrutiny and independent checks.
All funded projects are For-value per-design. This is a form of corporate structure that does not allow shareholders to receive any profit from the revenue. All profits that project generates are distributed to create more value in terms of support for its own operations, people or stakeholders. However shareholders can make an exit on the next funding round, maintaining the opportunity to return its investment.
We do not fund NGOs or conventional company structures, however for-value companies can create a blend of for-value and non-profit structures that can provide tax-incentives for funders.
World Union maintain 25% ownership of each project.
In the same manner, funders of all successful projects they funded, based on initially agreed cap structure and conditions of dilution.
Shares do not exercise power of the project decisions, as all decisions are made by the process of Governance, where all funders can participate and raise concerns.
All real-estate, copyrights, trademarks, licences, leases and tangible assets are held separately by our holding company, associated with each project. Assets cannot be sold or transferred back to the funders, unless the project fails to achieve its purpose or cease its operations prematurely. In this case we hold an investors governance meeting where all decisions are made, based on our Constitution.
Each project continuously distributes impact data that is transferred to funders as a distinctive set of metrics, showing its impact and achieved social results.
All projects are obliged to continuously produce and deliver media reports that investors can use in their marketing and reporting.
With each project capable of maintaining and governing, we provide a unique opportunity for investors to be engaged in the life of the project structurally, without being overwhelmed with operational details. Investors can monitor the state of the project by attending its governance or operational meetings as an observer or active member, affecting decisions. If you choose to engage directly in operations, governance meetings can provide you with such opportunities at any time, delegating you to an operational domain, where you enjoy full independence and self-accountability, while making a positive contribution.
All our projects have well-structured ownership to allow return of investments through exits.
With our novel approach to philanthropy, we create opportunities for you to participate in funding innovative long-term and groundbreaking social ideas that can open unique horizons for your Impact Portfolio.
By our commitment to the network approach, unique fractal design, your investment can provide a foundation for a self-reinforcing positive feedback that is capable of changing the state of the world and affect the cause you most aspire.
All investments are treated as voluntary donations. While return is anticipated it is not guaranteed. Despite our thorough approach to ensure more chances of positive outcomes, some projects will fail without achieving its goals. In such a case your investment cannot be returned and we or project members bear any responsibility.
We conduct and AAR to understand our flaws and miscalculations, to ensure our commitment to excellence and protection of your investments.
Once pledged, donations are not refundable.
We make all efforts to ensure that the project is fully legit and comply with all rules and regulations. However we are not directly engaged in the decision process and are not accountable for the project's decisions or consequences that can affect you in some way.
To prevent projects going the wrong way, we provide you with a distinctive leverage to participate and block any decision via governance meetings.
We provide you with full transparency and information that is available to us about the project and its potential.
In case the project has failed to deliver outcomes, we reimburse the service fee or provide you with credit on following investments, making all possible to prevent any future failures.
In case of held assets, we are committed to realise them at a market price or reinvest them effectively on your behalf, however we do not take any responsibility for assets current value or specific time-frames they can be realised.
By investing you agree that failure is a part of progress.
You make the final donation decisions, whether it's a fund or a project and hold full responsibility for your decisions.
By donating to social projects you understand that funds can be partially or fully lost.
Expected or communicated impact can not always be visible and measured, while increasing the capabilities of the system and can become a hidden force for change. Impact is a qualitative-first measurement and measuring it is based on our subjective understanding and not a tangible metrics.
By investing, you agree that we’re acting as a service, providing you access to information about projects and investment opportunities on our platform, but we do not bear any responsibility, other than being instructed by specific agreements.
We do not provide investment advice, influence your decision in any way or guarantee return of investment.
Project system describes our thorough and well-defined approach to project implementation. By following our innovative structures, network design, governance and monitoring, we increase the odds of success, while making each further investment more effective with a services architecture.
Each project goes through guided journey and monitoring to ensure funds are well-spent and the project is on course.
Through our continuous evolutionary governance, state-of-art tech platform and partner network, we set social projects for success and your inspirational goals are achieved.