Fractal Philanthropy
Fractal Philanthropy is our key innovation in the philanthropy sector and the primary way we approach all our social projects, funds, philanthropic products and private initiatives. It is building a new foundation for charitable investment strategy, where it approaches what is generally called capability building and takes it to a whole new level, embedding fractal structure to become self-reinforcing capability.

Major problem of modern philanthropy is a total lack of systemic impact. We see how the majority of nonprofits are burning the money through ongoing support of beneficiaries, heavily relying on continuous funding and creating dangerous addiction structures, which is a trap for both investors and value-receivers. What lacks in such initiatives is the capability of the beneficiaries and the system they are in to create better outcomes for themselves.

The main question we’re asking is, if we know little about what happens in the system, then how can we know what’s best for it? How can we be sure we’re doing the right thing? And here where Fractal philanthropy shines, offering a unique opportunity to create solutions by the system itself as it knows itself far better.

Fractal philanthropy takes a completely different approach to giving. Funds are used to create a social organisation that enables it to help itself in present and future challenges. It is embedding self-reinforcing learning and capacities to understand and challenge the problem they are in and keep solving it inside their own system. In essence it creates a philanthropic organisation instead of direct funding and embeds approaches to problem-solving in the same way as we approach the initiative in the first place. Beneficiary from powerless position, addicted to constant support, becomes an empowered organisational structure, equipped with tools, understanding, learning and frameworks to solve its own problems and create similar organisations to propel and grow its reach organically.

Fractal philanthropy is a pinnacle of philanthropy and reinvents the way we approach all philanthropic endeavours. From addiction to self-accountability, from powerlessness to empowered, from weakness to resilience, from impoverished to educated - that is the only way we can make an impact on scale and truly support the progress of humanity.

It is a wisdom that we invest in the system to become its own best supporter.

We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.

  • Albert Einstein
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