We’re seeing the divided world. All sorts of organisations, nonprofits, corporations or teams in any social or commercial setting are internalising all their resources with the only goal to get hold of the outcomes. At the same time, there’s a huge barrier for entering organisations from both directions. Organisations are closed entities. In business, to overcome our limitations and capacities, we craft complex agreements, full of consequences and limitations, in social work we create social boundaries and lack of any legal assurances for contributors, demotivating from providing their invaluable insights. In all cases we approach our work from the fear of the other, complete lack of trust and fierce fight for smaller pie. It is proven to be the least effective way of operations, as we see in nature’s widespread collaboration patterns between species.
Spaces innovation overcomes these challenges by offering a holistic organisational framework to overcome fear and build a space of trust. Committed to building collaboration, we constantly notice how even small scale cohesion can dramatically influence the outcomes.
Spaces is an evolutionary legal collaboration structure that allows teams to collaborate effectively on a zero-trust and in mutual benefit manner. It describes a meta legal-entity, that through semi-porous boundaries accepts any collaboration and is able to reward it accordingly and reliably from an outcome that in many cases is a thousand times bigger pie. Most importantly it creates a space of trust that rewards people with far more bigger needs, a need of belonging, understanding and deep relationships.
Spaces provide not only better outcomes for all organisations and people involved, but also sets the direction for worldwide collaboration, unity and peace.
If you are:
A startup, seeking to develop a groundbreaking idea.
A nonprofit, seeing ways to dissolve complex social challenges
A corporation, struggling to find talent, realises their portfolio of patents or side ideas.
An inventor, seeking to develop his idea to the world scale
Spaces are the wat to secure ownership while untapping unlimited collective intelligence solving most complex challenges.
It’s better trust and be disappointed one in a while, then to distrust and be miserable at all times
- Abraham Lincoln